First of all, the most important thing that parents can do to protect their children is to teach them not
to talk about what is going on inside their home to anyone i.e. friends, neighbors, teachers, counsleors. What goes on in
the home stays in the home between the family.
Second thing is that if the state the parents reside in allows home-schooling. Home school your children
to keep them out of the public schools. Parachoic Schools and Christian Schools have to follow the same state guidelines for
federal manatory reporting of suspect children who may or may not abused or nelgected in some way.
Find a Good Home School cirriculm that is non-religious. Parents should not home for religious reasons. That
is why Church was created for.
Live as far out in the country as far as possible away from anyone and away from neighbors. When you
have to go grocery shopping go by yourself but leave your children at home. This way no one can say anything.
Parent's please do follow The Do's and Don't of The Falsely Accused." (I have posted.)
Parent's please do learn the Miranda Warnings and InRe: Gault.
Parents make sure your children are taught not to talk to anyone within the public school system i.e. guildance
counselors, psychologists, or social wreckers brought in by the school or police. Children have the same rights as adutls
to under the constitution. Children under the age of 15 can't be questioned with their parents and an attorney present.
Parents if you home-school join the HSLDA. They have a legal department there to assist parents who may be
attacked by CPS in the state they live for home-schooling even though it is legal.
Parent's use the Hatch Form if you don't want your child being taught anything that opposes your family morals
and values. Make sure you place this within your child's fold every school year.
Parents and Children be quiet and be quiet now. It is important you learn not to talk or say anything. What
you say will be againt you in a CPS court