Are Your Children On The Auction Block By Cheryl Barnes Head of CPS Watch
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Are Your Children On the Auction Block?

by Cheryl Barnes

This link "profiles" children from several states for adoption:

To start with, you are asked to choose the sex, age, color, disability, state (subsidy rate) you would like to "buy". Except when you buy these children, you don't have to pay, instead you GET PAID every month until the child turns 18!

Here are some statistics on the site: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • There are 489 Caucasian children out of 1182 total representing 42%.
  • When dropping to age range of 5 or below, there are 14 Caucasian children out of 109 total representing ONLY 13%
  • When dropping to age range of 2 or below, there is ONLY ONE Caucasian child and he comes with 5 siblings (and a $5,000 monthly subsidy). There are 8 in this age group of other races and they have severe medical needs.

So, why the enormous percentage drop when moving to younger children?  Where are all the babies and Caucasian toddlers being profiled?  It turns out that these MARKETABLE children are contracted through PRIVATE adoption agencies and sold to prospective parents that are willing to PAY for them.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


One woman on the foster care list got a job warehousing these infants even though the state had denied her application for a foster care license... private agencies don't have to follow the states criteria. She will be warehousing them until the adoption agency can "strike a deal" with the buyers.

But, back to the subject at hand... what about the children that are being profiled on this site? Many of the profiles I pulled up were NOT legally free for adoption (i.e. parental rights had not been terminated).  For example:

  • A sibling group of 3 boys profile states, "They came into care when their birth family was unable to provide for their basic necessities." which means poverty. However, the subsidy rate for adopting these children is $2,400 per month. Imagine what the birth family could have done with that.
  • A sibling group of 2, one boy and one girl profile states, "Termination of Parental Rights is being pursued... Anticipated date of Termination of Parental Rights is February 2000." That's TEN months away! What kind of changes could the parents make in 10 months time? And what's so special about February of 2000? Could this be the 22 month mark needed to terminate? Could it be that the state planned to adopt these children out from day one?
  • A sibling group of 2, one boy and one girl profile states, "...are not yet legally free for adoption. Anticipated date for termination of parental rights is January 2000." That's NINE months away!
  • A sibling group of 3, two boys and one girl profile state, "They are not legally free and regular visits with the birth family continue. Termination of parental rights is anticipated June 1999" So, the children are in regular contact with their parents, proving that they aren't monsters! And, while the parents may very well believe that they are working toward getting their children home, the state is advertising them for sale on the internet.
  • A sibling group of 3 boys profile states, "They are not yet legally free and subsidies are available." Yes, a subsidy of $3,000 per month is available for taking these boys.

This site reeks of government corruption and illustrates that CPS (Child Protective Services) has NO INTENTION of returning your child once they have possession of him/her.   While parents are falling all over themselves trying to cooperate with the hope that CPS will return their children, they are being sold on the internet like slaves on the auction block!

We must make parents aware of this corruption! They would be MUCH DIFFERENT fighters if they knew CPS's plan from the beginning.  If any of you have children in foster care, I suggest you look for them at the adoption sites listed below.

Come To My Garden is the background for The Illinois_Family_Rights_Association. The music is written by Lucy Simon and Marsha Mason for the 1999 Broadway Music "The Secret Garden."
I hope you enjoy it.